I don’t care how good you are, how much you know or how long you have been a personal trainer, fitness educator, I believe we all need a personal trainer, we all need someone to push us, correct us and to help us, period!
I have been in the fitness game for over 25 years as an amateur boxer to pro-boxer to trainer and coach and truly believe this concept. These days trainers are offering online programs and training advice online, each to their own?
You want to be the best you can be, you want to change, you want to get the most out of your programme, to reach your goals, be fit and strong to live out your life? Get a PT now, a good one! There are a lot of false prophets out there, so choose carefully and start your journey to a healthier life.
I can honestly say I can not live my life without physical needs. To be as healthy and fit as I can be. That’s not to say I’m super fit or a person with a cut physique or muscles popping out my skin. I mean healthy, strong, happy with myself, my life, my age and happy to help others.
I help others find their love affair with fitness, to conditioned them to be the best that they can be, in doing so we will discover and explore the possibility of new unforeseen challenges and goals that they may never thought possible. We will also tap into the world of conditioning the mind and developed new strengths and alignment with your own body.
Everyone develops differently, gaining strength, to building muscle and foundation. The ingredients to building muscle include blood, oxygen, carbohydrates, protein and hormones.
It is a science to understand, obtain and carry out this knowledge effectively to trigger muscle fibers and living cells to benefit our weakness as humans.
The understanding of fast-twitch and slow-twitch fibers activate two different locomotion and reaction. One, the fast twitch-fibre builds strength and develops muscles and the slower, twitch-fibre develops endurance.
Therefore, no program is designed to fix all, no program is a general one as most experts say. I cater, design and re-evaluate programs for my clients daily for each individual, by age appropriate, ability and experience appropriate, to know your client and their needs, their background, their habits, eat, drink, reason for training and more importantly their goals.
Boxing classes for beginners will consist or various intensity exercises. You will learn the fundamental skills for boxing, skills such as ‘skipping, conditioning, weight program and high cardiovascular (HIIT) programme. Through this process you will learn and experience what it takes to train like a boxer, learn boxing combination and individual punches and what their strategic strength are, for example when to use it, how to use it and what their specific names are.
I have seen in the past and present, so many Personal Trainer get a 65-70 year old woman or man doing exercise that are not appropriate for them, the client and their lack of ability and flexibility and experience put them in a very dangerous situation.
For example, what is the point of getting a 70 year old person doing 20x bur-bees or sit-up on a 35 degree bench? I don’t get, or doing squats or a bench press on a Olympic bar?
Seriously though, you can not put a price, time and effort on this part of your training. Do it right, do it well, complete the rehabilitation, be patient and focus regardless of how you are feeling.
My commitment to you, to never give up, to not accept mediocrity, to never say die. But to be patient, humble, determine to be the best that you can be. Do the program, trust the program, work hard and see the results.
Body sculpting is what I like to refer to as developing muscles, visually appealing physiques, pleasing to the eye, ‘the beach body, healthy toned muscles for men and women. Some may call it body building, or classic physiques? Let’s get this right, “Body Building and Classic Physiques are two different sports altogether from building and conditioning muscles.
They are two incredibly hard individual sports that require total commitment, mentally and physically with a long term plan and goal.
This is not to say, it’s unachievable, with the right training, the right Trainer, mindset, commitment and determination, most people can, and I can help you with this, but this sort of work, takes time and years.
Let get together first and work out your goals and what you are willing to commit to.
The song that I always have in mind when I teach this concept and modular goes something like this:
“I am Women hear me roar, in numbers too big to ignore and I know too much to go back and pretend. By Helen Reddy. Great song, great perspective and liberation.
What a statement!, This has always been a passion of mine, since having my daughter and watching her grow and seeing her develop throughout her life as a sports woman, a doctor, a strong independent young woman willing to take on the world or whatever it is, in front of her, is encouraging and motivating.
Throughout those years I have trained her to be the best that she can be! Karate, boxing, rugby, golf, she has done it all, with all her enthusiasm and commitment.
I have spent many years training women to be the best that they can be, mentally and physically through Self-Defence training. Through Boxing, karate, MMA tactics and Street-smarts, we will engage, self belief, self confidence, facing your fears building the new You!